Sunday, May 26, 2019

Observing Mitosis

Lab Report ?3 TitleObserving Mitosis By Yerkebulan Yesbolatov Biology course, tutorial group I October 18, 2012 Lab partner Azhar Zhaisanova Introduction try is intend to show mitotic arrange of cell one shot, varietys of mitotic stage, to define predominance in the number of each phases over the others, if it is possible. Objectivity of lab is to observe the different phases of mitotic stage of cell cycle, to lose skills for peculiar(prenominal) technique( by using orcein ethanoic stain) designed for making slide enable to observe mitotic stage of cell cycle.The tip of Garlic lightbulbs root is suspected to be relevant for that, for observing the cell cycle. Aim To observe cell cycle in definite stage-in this experiment mitosis. To get knowledge of which phase is predominate in cell cycle. Precautions During the procedure it is need to separate heart protection cause hydrochloric stifling is irritant It is necessary to wear gloves and coat Toluidine blue is had ability to ingrain. Dont ingest- it is harmful. It is necessary to wear goggles and avoiding of content with orsein ethanoic stain, cause it corrosive, irritant, causing burns, has ability to irritate by a fault read What Algae Does a Trypanosome Superficially ResembleIn case of making contact immediately necessary to wash with water for 10 minutes. It is necessary to wear eye protection and avoid a skin contact, cause Acetic alcohol is corrosive and highly flammable Methods and Materials First manner acting of staining is cancelled. Second method with 1-st step was provided in advance. First, several root tips was cut off, added to watch glass with acetic alcohol(2cm3) for 10 minutes. Then, standards transferred to second glass, which contain 5cm3 ice cold water,4-5 minutes ar needed to wait after that. Later on types, dried off with filter paper.Next step, in order to havent damage a ideal ,it was poured with pre-heated hydrochloric acid rather than putting the pattern to test tube and vice versa till 5 minutes. Next step is to repeat step with acetic acid (2cm3) for 10 minutes in a watch glass. After 10 minutes, specimen (one of several) was put to glass slide then poured with 1-2 drops of stain called acetic orcein stain, it should dream up whole surface of pattern. Note that to stain the wall would be better to leave specimen in a dye more than 2 minutes. Finally, specimen is covered with coverslip and pushed under the filter paper, put to microscope and observed. ResultQuestion 1 is in separate page Question 2 Number of cells viewed under visible area x400. 43 cells 434=172 Table of numbers of cells at field of view Total number of cells Names of mitosis phases ? in each stage 172 Interphase 138 Prophase 28 Metophase 3 Anaphase 2 Telephase 1 Question 3. Percentage in each stage of mitosis Interphase =138172100%= 80. 232% Prophase =28172100%=16. 279% Metophase =3172100%=1. 744% Anaphase =2172100%=1. 162% Telephase =1172100%=0. 581% Ranking of sta ges of cell cycle Interpaseprophasemetaphaseanaphasetelephase As it said, preparation freezed at one time.Most of cells, about 90% of cell and consequently 90% cycle cell spent in interphase, it is proved by findings. Roughly 20 percent, approximately quarter of interphase are taken by prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telephase. Question 4 Mitotic mogul Mitotic index=28+3+2+1172=34172= 0. 197 Mitotic index enable to find a tendency to grow of cells. It is mean that how cell is divide, at which rate it is reproduces. Question 5 Reliability and validity If centromeres of chromosomes are report up at equator, we definitely could say it is metaphase, if we enchant sister chromatids at inverse poles we could say definitely say as it anaphase.A lot of cells are on that point with round nucleuses that is why it is prophases. Telephase is differ by starting of dividing of cells. In interphase cells are as they are swallowed, e. c become bigger. Question 6 Safety precautions weaken goggl es to avoid contact with orsein ethanoic stain is corrosive, has ability to irritate by vapour Wear gloves acetic alcohol is corrosive and highly flammable. Question 7 Treatment with hydrochloric acid It enable to stain the specimen of root tip. It can help to break the hydrogen bonds contain in it. Question 8 apprehension Cells are in phase of telephase of mitosis or meiosis stage could start.Discussion There was cells with purple chromosomes on a pink background. There was drawn the each phases of mitosis to set up easier the differentiation of phases cause is sometimes difficult to differ. At the beginning, when final stage of slide preparation was done, there was problem, three times with its observing-the image wasnt comely pure to see a cells in mitosis stage. Cause could be wrong decay of specimen during the pressing. It should be taken into care that pressing of stained specimen should be strong to make image more clear and transparent. To define the number of cells visi ble t point of view (image which enable objective to see during reviewing without changing the position) of microscope it was calculated the quarter of circle row by row cause cells are not same, so rows are not same. Defining of microscopes point of view is necessary for further calculating the percentage of each phase of mitosis. So, quarter of visible cells was equal to 43. These cells was multiplied to four. To tell every phase of mitosis138 of interphases,28 prophases,3 metaphases,2 anaphases, 1 telephase. As shown in calculations, abundance are correspond as follows Interphase=80. 32 Prophase=16. 279% Metophase=1. 744% Anaphase=1. 162% Telephase=0. 581% As we see interphase is equal to roughly 80%,however in go for there was claim that interphase spend 90% of cell cycle. From this point could be proposed that root grown in favorable condition as it is known that in interphase cell is phase of rash activity, cell copy own DNA and energy is create for further mitosis. As show n in mitotic index formula, numerator contain besides cells with visible chromosomes, that is mean that interphase is not taken to consideration.Mitotic index enable to find a tendency to grow of cells. It is mean that how cell is divide, at which rate it is reproduces. In this experiment mitotic index is equal to 0. 197 Due to fact that there was not mitotic index scale it is difficult to say anything about tendency. In oncology(study of tuour cells) mitotic index has its special calibration, special standards. Error analysis Probability of error may cause the fact that in some case there was nuclear membrane without changing, further nucleoli had already vanished.So, there was probability of error to take to consideration the stage as a interphase and as prophase. Conclusion It is proved that is visible the dividing (in cell cycle) cells with method using a orcein ethanoic stain. Most of time cells a spend for interphase. This is proved by experiment result-80% of cells was at i nterphase stage. Most of all it is possible or unaccented to define exactly the stages such as anaphase, metaphase cause it definite characters are allow to do so. The late prophase and beginning of telephase is difficult to differentiate cause processes happened in them are opposite to each other.

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